Thursday, February 25, 2010

In the beginning...

So I was going to give my first parenting talk tonight and ended up in an amazing conversation instead.. I think it was the Universe's way of telling me to take baby steps and not try and 'Tony Robbins' the world straight off the bat :)

I learn every day, and it's days like this that I realise how much I'm learning and how much more there is to learn.. and I am ever so grateful..

One of the things I want to do is start writing about the things that I have learnt and that have worked when it comes to children - my own and others.. I'm incredibly lucky in that I have a gift with children - they like me and they listen to me.. There was a kiddies birthday party I went to where one of my friends greeted me with 'Kim's here, we're sorted for a babysitter' lol :)

I've had mom's ask me what my secret is and it's no secret - it's the little things that count, the simple things.. but it's no good if only a handful of people know it so I'm going to try share everything I know and hopefully someone out there will find what I have to say useful :)

So here starts the Simple Things :)

I wish you happiness and happy children :)

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